Faucet Depot Reviews

  1. What better way to unearth the "411" on Faucet Depot and on the faucets and fixtures that interest you than by reading reviews from consumers just like you? At Faucet Depot, we know that reviews are an important part of the buying process for many people. By reading a reviews, whether good or bad, you're off to a great start for you when you are on the fence between purchasing one product over another, or when choosing whether or not you want to spend your hard earned money with us! That's why we link our site to top review sites like Biz Rate and Nextag - so that you can read what other Faucet Depot customers have to say about us - and about the merchandise that we sell.

    Faucet Depot BizRate Reviews

    We're all smiles about our Bizrate ratings! We continually are ranked with as “outstanding” on Bizrate's Smiley Scale, and the majority of our customers say that they would shop with us again! Bizrate has become the number one ranked site for E-Commerce reviews, so we are very proud of our performance rankings on their site. Faucet Depot is a Bizrate customer certified store, which means that we provide satisfactory service while showing a proactive commitment to monitoring what our customers think about us by allowing them to provide feedback at checkout to Bizrate.

    On a scale of ten, Faucet Depot ranks 9.1 for the overall experience that customers have with us, which is among the industry's highest rankings (as compared to our competition). Our customers who have reviewed us on Bizrate also tout the fact that we have the products that they want, in stock, as another of our strongest attributes. And they also like that our orders go out on time, can be tracked easily, and that the product is just what they expected. More than 10,000 satisfied customers have taken time out of their days to rank our services and products on Bizrate - you can be next - or you can simply stop by and read what others are saying about us!

    Screenshot taken from 1/21/13. View our latest Faucet Depot Bizrate reviews.

    Faucet Depot Nextag Reviews

    Faucet Depot is proud of the Nextag rankings that we receive from satisfied customers. Nextag is one of the web's leading review services, and hundreds of happy customers have consistently ranked Faucet Depot as an industry leader in the plumbing niche.

    Nextag has a mission of helping customers make informed buying decisions, and has become one of the most reliable sources for unbiased advice, consumer insight, and in-depth reviews of products and stores, bar none. Nextag allows consumers to sound off about what they like and don't like when it comes to shopping online, which makes it easier for you to determine if you want to do business with us!

    Screenshot taken from 1/21/13. View our latest Nextag reviews.

    Faucet Depot eBay Reviews

    Just like Bizrate and Nextag, we're proud of our eBay reviews!

    Screenshot taken from 1/21/13. View our latest eBay reviews.