Bradford White® ElectriFLEX LD™ Electric Water Heater, Light Duty Utility, Series: LE16U3-1, 6 gal Tank, 120 VAC, 1.5 kW Power, 1 ph, 3/4 in NPT Water Connection, (1) Screw-In Copper Heating Element, 6 gph Recovery Rate, 150 psi Pressure, ASME Yes/No: No, Steel, 14 in Dia x 16-1/2 in H Dimensions, Domestic
ASME Yes/No : NoDimensions : 14 in Dia x 16-1/2 in HDomestic/Import : DomesticHeating Element : (1) Screw-In CopperMaterial : SteelPhase : 1 phPower Rating : 1.5 kWPressure Rating : 150 psiRecovery Rate : 6 gphSeries : LE16U3-1Tank Capacity : 6 galType : Light Duty UtilityVoltage Rating : 120 VACWater Connection : 3/4 in NPT
Fully automatic thermostat control: Fast acting surface-mount thermostat with high limit energy cut-off (manual reset) for safetyDirect heat transfer with a single immersed element: Transfers heat directly and efficiently to the waterVitraglas® liningVitraglas® is fused to the steel surface by firing at a temperature of over 1600 deg FInsulation system: 1 in non-CFC foam insulation covers the sides and top of the tank, reducing the amount of heat lossResults in less energy consumption, improved operation efficiencies and jacket rigidityWater connection: 3/4 in NPT factory installed true dielectric fittings extend water heater life and simplify water line connectionsProtective magnesium anode rod: Provide added protection against corrosion for long-term, trouble free serviceSteel tank: Heavy gauge steel automatically formed, rolled and welded to assure a continuous seam for glass liningCopper screw type immersion elementHydrojet® sediment reduction systemField convertible