Bradford White® Electric Water Heater, Lowboy, Series: RE120L6, 19 gal Tank, 208 VAC, 4.5 kW Power, 1 ph, 3/4 in NPT Water Connection, 21 gph Recovery Rate, 150 psi Pressure, ASME Yes/No: No, Steel, 18 in Dia x 24-7/8 in H Dimensions, Domestic
ASME Yes/No : NoDimensions : 18 in Dia x 24-7/8 in HDomestic/Import : DomesticMaterial : SteelPhase : 1 phPower Rating : 4.5 kWPressure Rating : 150 psiRecovery Rate : 21 gphSeries : RE120L6Tank Capacity : 19 galType : LowboyVoltage Rating : 208 VACWater Connection : 3/4 in NPT
Low restriction brass drain valve: Durable tamper proof designFully automatic thermostat control: Fast acting surface-mount thermostat with high limit energy cut-off (manual reset) for safetyDirect heat transfer with immersed element: Transfers heat directly and efficiently to the water screw-in styleFactory installed hydrojet® total performance system: Sediment reducing device that also increases first hour delivery of hot water while minimizing temperature build-up in tankVitraglas® liningVitraglas® is fused to the steel surface by firing at a temperature of over 1600 deg FInsulation system: Non-CFC foam covers the sides and top of the tank, reducing the amount of heat loss, this results in less energy consumption, improved operation efficiencies and jacket rigidity and blanketed models additionally use a supplied flexible fiberglass insulation blanketWater connections: 3/4 in NPT factory-installed true dielectric fittings extend water heater life and simplify water line connectionsFactory installed heat traps: Design incorporates a flexible disk that reduces heat loss in piping and eliminates the potential for noise generationProtective magnesium anode rod: Provide added protection against corrosion for long-term, trouble free serviceDesign evaluated by ETL in accordance with part 280.707(d) of HUD mobile home construction and safety standards for energy efficiencyNon-simultaneous operation: Non-simultaneous operation indicates only one heating element will operate at a time and is standard construction from the factory